Wednesday, June 04, 2008

At least he doesn't expect much

If you subscribe to Seth Godin's marketing philosophy, marketing is about telling stories with customers. Ideally it is about creating stories with customers. Its a philosophy that is really powerful and emotive - and links to but is not driven by analytics. I was involved in a conversation with a marketing professional today who really wants to engage with his customers more. He is really keen and wants to make a difference and he knows a lot.

1. He knows who he wants to tell his story too
2. He knows, to a broad extent, what his story is - but I am not sure if he believes it. He knows he has to tell this story but that's not the same as believing the story
3. He knows where he wants to shift his customer's perception to and where his customers perception was - in an analytical and emotional sense
4. He knows when he wants to tell his story
5. He knows how he wants his story told

The things I don't get are this
- he wants someone else to tell his story for him to his customers
- he doesn't have time to share his stories with his customers himself-
- he is happy to invest in a heap of market research to tell him months after the fact what his customers think and feel about his story, rather than hearing it from him direct
- he wants to tell his story the same way his competitor tells his story rather than telling his story in a more personal and powerful way

When I asked him how successful he expected to be in shifting customer perception he saide doesn't really expect his customer to change his mind much in the next year - at least he has realistic expectations.

How do I help him understand the power of sharing directly with his customers?

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